Sharmin Begum
Student by profession, teaching for earn.
Education: Textile engineering from Ahsanullah University of science and technology.
Background: Science
Discipline: Bangla(medium)
Salary: 5000-10000 tk/month;
Address: adabor
Area coverage: adabor, college gate, dhanmondi-27, kallyanpur, Mirpur 1, shia-mosque, Shisumela, shyamoli, solimull ... more
Apr 04, 2023 02:09 PM
Subject proficiency: english, english-literature, bangla, math, math-b, higher-math, additional-math, general-science, science, bangladesh-studies, global-studies, physics, chemistry, organic-chemistry, biochemistry, biology, botany, zoology, ict, arithmetic, religion, hand.
Tutoring: KG, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3
Experience: Two years